Homes 4 Families

GuideStar: What It’s Used For & Why It’s Important

In the ever-expanding world of non-profits, it’s easy to get lost trying to do a good thing. There are reportedly more than 2.7 million non-profit organizations in the United States, and with all of those groups operating at the same time in the same country, donors can find themselves frustrated.

The first step is, finding a charity that fits the specific cause you would like to support. Next, you decide to make a donation; but it is not always clear how to judge the credibility of each organization. Many people have had the experience of sitting in front of their computer screens, wanting to give, but finding the task daunting.

The World’s Largest Source of Information on Nonprofit Organizations

GuideStar is a philanthropic research database designed to fill in the knowledge gaps you need to find the best charities to which to donate in the area you most care about. GuideStar compiles directories and reports on nonprofits that are available to the public, to make the donation process easier for potential donors.  

Some third-party websites only provide a platform for charities, others only compile data; while GuideStar manages to do both. GuideStar gives non-profits a comprehensive platform to display their cause and data complement capabilities. This allows everyone to access the key figures that help in making the decision to what nonprofits to donate.

Better Nonprofit Intelligence = Better Decisions

The platform is simple, elegant, and most importantly, easily accessible to users. You are presented with a charities mission statement, location, programs, and results as well as more specific information like IRS and financial metrics. This breaks down a lot of walls that most prospective donors must get through before finding accurate, unbiased information on prospective charities. GuideStar is rapidly growing and expanding its database, and in an age where consolidation of information has made so many people’s lives easier, there is a great outlook on the positive outcomes which may result from GuideStar’s efforts.

Veteran Homeowners

Check out Homes 4 Families GuideStar Profile here.