NEWS PROVIDED BY American Land Title Association
12 Oct, 2023, 12:00 ET
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The American Land Title Association (ALTA) Good Deeds Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization founded by ALTA, the national trade association of the land title insurance industry, today announced the recipients of $105,000 in grants. The Foundation announced the recipients of this year’s second round of biannual grants during ALTA ONE, ALTA’s largest annual event.

“By providing grants to small community nonprofits, the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation is able to make an enormous impact,” said Foundation Board Chair Mary O’Donnell, president and CEO of Westcor Land Title Insurance Co. and past president of ALTA. “In some cases, these grants cover a charity’s entire annual budget. I am excited to see how this round of grants helps local neighborhoods across the country grow and flourish.”
Twenty $5,000 grants were awarded to charities supported by ALTA members. The grants were awarded to: Administration of Resources and Choices, Tucson, Ariz.; Allegany County Habitat for Humanity, LaVale, Md.; Bobbo’s Fund for Young Hearts, Nottingham Park, Ill.; Family Promise of Greater Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.; Family Promise of Hendricks County, Plainfield, Ind.; Fighting Children’s Cancer Foundation, Fairfield, N.J.; Habitat for Humanity-Idaho Falls, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Healthy Acadia, Ellsworth, Maine; Home for Families, Woodland Hills, Calif.; Kent Attainable Housing, Chestertown, Md.; Kids’ Meals, Houston, Texas; Mariposa Disaster Relief, Catheys Valley, Calif.; Operation Vet First Foundation, Saint Cloud, Fla.; Our Destiny Our Future Foundation, Phoenix; Thrive with Autism Foundation, Magnolia, Texas; Treasure Valley Family YMCA, Boise, Idaho; United Housing, Memphis, Tenn.; Urban Ministry, Birmingham, Ala.; and Willow Charitable Fund, Montgomeryville, Pa.
The Foundation also awarded a $5,000 grant to Partners in Housing, a family crisis housing nonprofit in Colorado Springs, Colo., the host city of this year’s ALTA ONE. To see an example of the types of charitable organizations that receive grants from the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation, click here.
“Since the inception of the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation in October 2020, ALTA members and the Foundation Board have raised more than $1.2 million,” said ALTA CEO Diane Tomb. “To date, the Foundation has awarded $844,000—approximately 70 percent of the funds raised—to community nonprofits. I am incredibly proud to be part of an industry that supports this meaningful work.”
The ALTA Good Deeds Foundation was launched in 2020 to bolster the charitable efforts of ALTA members. Land title insurance professionals can apply for grants on behalf of recognized 501(c)(3) organizations that they support financially or through volunteer efforts; preference is given to housing-related charities. The inaugural round of grants was announced in March 2021.
About the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation
Founded in 2020 by the American Land Title Association, the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
About ALTA
The American Land Title Association, founded in 1907, is the national trade association representing the land title insurance industry.
Contact: Megan Hernandez
Direct Office Line: 202-261-0315
Email: [email protected]
SOURCE American Land Title Association